Psychedelic Leader Revive Therapeutics Advancing Oral Thin Film Strip Research
With the upcoming US Election on the horizon – how much of an impact will it have on the growth of the psychedelic industry?
In our latest instalment of Bringing Psychedelics to Life with Revive Therapeutics – Chief Operating Officer of Psilocin Pharma Derek Welsh explains what we can expect once the US Election in November, 2020 is completed.
In addition Welsh comments on how the city of Ann Arbor, Michigan announced this week unanimously to vote in favour of decriminalizing psychedelic mushrooms and plants. We ask if this is a sign of things to come across the USA and Canada?
Also included in this segment is a discussion on the recent news of Compass Pathways trading on the Nasdaq and why it has soared to over 70% growth in its first week.
Disclaimer: The principal(s) of The Dales Report have an existing position in Revive Therapeutics, as well as an existing agency agreement. The article is neither a solicitation nor endorsement to purchase the profiled security. There is substantial risk purchasing Revive Therapeutics based on the information provided, and has been published for informational purposes only. The principal(s) may divest or make additional purchases of securities without further notice. Please contact a licensed investment advisor if you are considering investing in Revive Therapeutics.
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