
Analyzing Small Cap Stocks: MariMed

The TDR Three Takeaways regarding MariMed and Small-Cap Stock:

  • MariMed’s revenue growth outpaces industry averages with a remarkable 43% CAGR over the past three years.
  • The company maintains a conservative debt-to-asset ratio of $0.56 to $1, compared to the industry median of $0.70.
  • MariMed’s significant reinvestment strategy in CAPEX stands at 13.4% of revenue, positioning it for future growth.

MariMed Inc. (OTC: MRMD, CSC: MRMD) is a vertically integrated, multi-state cannabis operator headquartered in Norwood, Massachusetts. Since its incorporation in 2011 in the U.S. cannabis market, focusing on the cultivation, production, and dispensing of both medicinal and recreational cannabis. The company has several brands, including Nature’s Heritage, Bubby’s Baked, Vibations, Kalm Fusion, InHouse and Betty’s Eddies, and has a presence in Illinois, Massachusetts, Maryland, Delaware, and Missouri. 

MariMed has demonstrated strong revenue growth, achieving an average compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of just under 43% over the past three years. In the last 12 months, the company reported a revenue increase of 11%, significantly outpacing the industry median of 3.8%. This rapid growth is indicative of MariMed’s strong market position and effective operational strategies.

The company’s balance sheet reflects a conservative financial strategy, with a debt-to-asset ratio of $0.56 per dollar of assets, compared to the industry median of $0.70. This conservative leverage approach makes MariMed an attractive option for investors seeking stability in a volatile market. Additionally, despite recent debt incurred for expansion, the company remains less leveraged than many of its peers, suggesting sensible financial management.

MariMed’s commitment to reinvestment is evident in its significant capital expenditure. The company spends 13.4% of its revenue on Capex, compared to the industry average of 5%. This substantial reinvestment is directed towards expanding and enhancing its operational facilities, which is expected to drive future revenue growth and solidify its market presence in small-cap cannabis stocks.

Despite a negative levered free cash flow of $4.8 million last year, largely due to high Capex investments, MariMed’s strategic approach to debt management is notable. The company conservatively took on modest debt to support its Capex budget, viewing it as a long-term investment rather than a financial burden. This approach underscores MariMed’s forward-looking strategy and commitment to sustainable growth.

In a detailed comparative analysis involving 16 cannabis companies with market caps under $500 million within the MSOS ETF, MariMed stands out. The valuation models, which include pre- and post-280E tax scenario evaluations, highlight significant upside potential. The blended valuation estimates MariMed’s stock price at $0.63, suggesting an impressive potential return of 186%.

MariMed’s strong revenue growth, effective cost management, and strategic market expansion position it competitively in the cannabis sector. Under CEO Jon Levine’s leadership, the company’s expertise in location acquisition and facility management enhances its operational efficiency, making it a compelling investment in small-cap cannabis stocks. Want to be updated on all things Psychedelic, Cannabis, AI, and Crypto? Subscribe to our Daily Baked in Newsletter!

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