New Survey Shows Participants In Aerobic Training Believe CBD And THC Help In Recovery Process
In recent years, the utilization of cannabis, encompassing both cannabidiol (CBD) and delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), has emerged as a captivating avenue in the realm of exercise recovery. Now, a new investigative study has unveiled the extent to which individuals are using CBD and THC as a vital component in recuperation following both aerobic and resistance workouts.
The study consisted of consent of 111 individuals (Mean ± SD: Age: 31 ± 13 years) who participated in an anonymous survey on their cannabis consumption and exercise routines. All participants were regularly using cannabis (CBD and/or THC) as well as were currently exercising. Questions pertained to level of cannabis use, methods used for consumption of cannabis, exercise habits, exercise recovery strategies, and demographics.
Overall, the results showed a that people active in aerobic weren’t just using cannabis to get high.
Notably, a staggering 85% of respondents professed active involvement in aerobic training—a testament to the enduring popularity of this exercise modality. In addition, 72% of participants participated in both aerobic and resistance exercise. Ninety-three percent of participants felt that CBD use assisted them with recovery from exercise, while 87% of participants felt the same regarding THC use.
Evidence Building That THC And CBD Can Help Improve Exercise Outcomes
THC and CBD are distinct cannabinoids found in cannabis, each with its own set of effects on the body. THC is known for its psychoactive properties, which produce the “high” commonly associated with cannabis use. On the other hand, CBD does not induce a high and is often touted for its potential therapeutic benefits, such as reducing anxiety and promoting relaxation.
A handful of studies and anecdotal reports have suggested that both THC and CBD might play a role in exercise recovery—and event during exercise in some cases. Proponents of CBD suggest that it may help alleviate inflammation, reduce muscle soreness, and enhance relaxation, potentially contributing to a more effective recovery period after intense workouts. Some athletes and fitness enthusiasts have turned to CBD-infused products, such as creams, balms, and oils, in the hopes of reaping these benefits.
While there is intriguing anecdotal evidence and some preliminary research, it’s crucial to emphasize that the scientific understanding of THC and CBD’s impact on exercise recovery is still in its infancy. Rigorous, well-controlled studies are needed to comprehensively assess the potential benefits and risks associated with their use for this purpose.