
Pennsylvania Plans For Cannabis To Hit The Stores To Generate Tax Revenue

The Pennsylvania government wants to boost the economy amid COVID-19 stress by bringing on cannabis into the retail market. 

Tom Wolf, the Governor of Pennsylvania is on board with cannabis legalization across State and is calling on lawmakers to not only legalize but allow cannabis to help boost the economy from the pandemic decline. Wolf is suggesting to lawmakers that cannabis products should be sold to a great market of consumers to not only generate revenue but to allow stress relief for those suffering from post-pandemic mental hardships. 

The plan is well in place as Wolf stated in a press conference that the “tax revenue from marijuana sales could help “supplement” relief loans provided by the federal government. “I think there was some appetite for it before and my hope is that with the pandemic and the hit that we’ve taken to revenues that there might be a little more interest in it right now. I think we’ve had a little more time to see what’s happened in places like Colorado with revenues, for example, that this might be one way to plug a hole,” he said. 

Wolf stated that Pennsylvania should pursue a state-run cannabis model by allowing adults and cannabis consumers of ages 21 and over to potentially legally purchase cannabis products and “ tax revenue from something that people are evidently already doing.” Like many other States on-board with legalization, Pennsylvania will see a criminal justice reform policies for many residents with cannabis-related offenses. 

The plan to legalize and sell cannabis products states that 50 percent of that is tax revenue.

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