Mindset Pharma Highlights Psychedelics Insights Through COPE Program
Mindset Pharma Inc. has teamed up with InterVivo Solutions to launch a program referred to with the acronym of COPE. COPE stands for Co-operative Psychedelics Evaluation Platform. The hope is that the program pinpoints insights into the myriad benefits provided by first-generation psychedelic treatment modalities. This is meaningful news in the context of psychedelics investing as Mindset Pharma is a publicly traded company on the CNSX and the OTC markets with trading symbols of MSET and MSSTF, respectively.
Mindset Is On A Mission
Mindset, a psychedelic drug development and discovery business, is laser-focused on optimizing psychedelics that can be patented for the treatment of psychiatric and neurological disorders for patients with unmet medical needs. The company’s COPE program developed with InterVivo Solutions has developed breakthrough pharmacological insights pertaining to 5-Me0-DMT’s bioavailability and actions as well as additional first-generation psychedelics. Mindset has also advanced the development of pharmacokinetics as well as drug discrimination data along with protocols spanning psilocin, psilocybin, LSD and the aforementioned 5-Me0-DMT.
The juxtaposition of 5-Me0-DMT with psilocybin reveals benchmarking data that highlights the differences in regard to mechanisms of action pertaining to psilocybin’s hallucinogenic experience with that of 5-Me0-DMT. The data also reveals 5-Me0-DMT’s bioavailability jumps higher at elevated doses in rodents.
A close analysis of rodent drug discrimination tests reveals 5-HT2A antagonists fully prevent rats from perceiving psilocybin. These antagonists do not fully prevent the impact of 5-Me0-DMT, making it clear that 5-Me0-DMT’s perceptual experience is not strictly the result of 5-HT2A receptor agonisms.
Joseph Araujo, the Chief Scientific Officer of Mindset, highlighted the fact that ongoing pharmacokinetics analysis reveals 5-Me0-DMT is not bioavailable in an oral manner at low doses yet is available at elevated doses. This substance’s half-life is extended, meaning there is good reason to believe it has a saturable metabolism. The takeaway from this analysis is it is important to analyze a number of different psychedelics doses in the context of benchmarking.
Mindset’ Assessment Of Drug Candidates Will Continue
The benchmarking data detailed above is just the tip of the iceberg in terms of Mindset’s ongoing data analysis in the context of psychedelic drug evaluation. The data analysis puts the company in position to accurately analyze and gauge the efficacy of drug candidates in a pre-clinical context, paving the way toward bringing the medications to clients within a reasonable amount of time.
Mindset’s team is poised to make meaningful strides in the development of a wide spectrum of next-generation and fully differentiated psychedelic treatment modalities with the aim of enhancing specific factors as compared to psychedelic drugs considered to be first-generation.
Mindset’s CEO Makes A Statement
The head honcho at Mindset, Jams Lanthier, recently commented that the company’s COPE program is a translational testing platform made to cooperate with InterVivo to provide an industry standard used to measure the efficacy and performance of psychedelic medicines. The platform sets the stage for Mindset and its corporate partner InterVivo to develop truly comprehensive benchmarks used as reference data in the context of psychedelics treatments.
The data will be obtained through proprietary programs conducted with in vivo testing performed at InterVivo’s facility. In the end, the COPE platform will serve as an essential component of the ongoing development of cutting-edge psychedelic compounds, setting the stage for these alternative treatment modalities to be patented in the near future.