Guaranteed Money #65: How Kyle Lowry Was Drafted For BitBuy’s Commercial Campaign
WonderFi’s VP of Marketing, Charlie Aikenhead, and Binu Koshy, Marketing/Communications Director, both join Guaranteed Money host Ryan Doyle for this episode! We have lots to chat about with WonderFi, including their big news: Kyle Lowry, now on their roster.
Bitbuy is a name you might be familiar with if you’ve dabbled in cryptocurrencies. It’s a very important licensed and compliant cryptocurrency platform in Canada, and it allows users to deposit Canadian currency and then trade it into a variety of crypto including Bitcoin and Ethereum. This past March, they were acquired by WonderFi.
The Kyle Lowry move, bringing him on board for commercials, is something Ryan loves. Kyle Lowry means a lot to the Canadian community, especially around Toronto where Ryan is from, even though he’s not a Canadian himself.
Have you seen the Bitbuy commercials featuring Kyle Lowry yet? Be sure to let us know in the comments, and feel free to drop us a line about whether you agree that Lowry was a great choice for Bitbuy – or about anything else on your mind when it comes to gambling, sports, and crypto investing. We love hearing from our fans and your thoughts; some of the conversations and engagements developing are fabulous. Of course, be sure to like, subscribe, and spread the word.
Bitbuy jumping right into the sports connection might seem puzzling to some investors, especially when previously they were simply a digital currency platform. Is there a close correlation between crypto enthusiasts and sports enthusiasts? Binu and Charlie explain the marketing reasoning for the choice and how they went about approaching the NBA athlete. Believe it or not, the Superbowl managed to play a part in this, and so does Kevin O’Leary.
You’ll have to listen in to the full episode to find out how all of this ties together. This and more on episode 65 of Guaranteed Money!
To view our episode #64 click here.