Guaranteed Money #44: Benezra Says Esports Innovation Will Bring Billions
Don’t miss this special episode of Guaranteed Money with Laurent Benezra, President and CEO of React Gaming (TSXV: RGG). We’re in the heart of ESI DC, one of three major global esports conferences. Benezra joins host Ryan Doyle to talk about innovation and where esports is going to be headed going forward.
Esports Is A ‘Growing Community’
He acknowledges that esports right now is a small community, but “it’s growing, it’s getting bigger, and it’s getting better. And that’s what we wanted. We were trying to push the community driven aspect of this. And, you know, that’s why we want to be the title sponsors for ESI.”
Growing the community is important for growing the business, Benezra believes. And right now, there’s a lot of players focused on helping grow the community.
Benezra Says Innovation Is The Real Key To Growing Esports
Compared to traditional sports, esports is the new kid on the block. While the industry goes back about two decades now, it’s only been in the last eight or nine years that Benezra believes esports have really picked up steam.
“I think that innovation is what’s driving this industry, is what’s driving the sector,” says Benezra. “And it’s disruptive. It really is.”
What he means is that the nature of the sport itself is turning things on its head, with a lower barrier to entry. “I can never be Tom Brady … but what I can do is if I try hard enough, maybe become a Fortnite pro, or become a League of Legends pro… and that’s what’s eSports is changing. It’s all inclusive, there’s no between male and female … it’s all an innovative space that we’re in and that’s what going to help grow.”
Esports Will Go Mainstream As The Aging Demographics Move Out, Believes Benezra
While mainstream is still in some ways considered cable TV, Benezra expects that to change. Kids these days are no longer watching cable, he says. Mainstream is always changing, and Twitch, YouTube, Discord are what they’re watching now – and will likely continue to evolve as the technology does.
It’s not just the technology thought that will keep changing as it becomes mainstream. Sports betting, and the investors that are working in the space, will likely keep evolving too.
Who knows; maybe the next generation will be placing bets in the Metaverse?
Don’t miss the full interview with Benezra about esports and the innovations happening in the industry. You’ll hear more about how the perfect storm happening in the market, and how that’s likely to shape the way investors play. That and more on this episode of Guaranteed Money!
To view episode 43 click here.